Nature / Plant ID Hikes at Owl’s Hill

Posted on | Plant ID Hike

We will offer two different member-only interpretive hikes at Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary on Saturday, November 19, from 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Both hikes will be slow-paced, will focus on interpreting nature, and will emphasize plant identification.

South Ridge Hike: This is a 2-mile loop hike that experiences about 300 feet of elevation change. Overall the hike is considered moderate, but there are a couple of small sections that could be considered strenuous. There will be many pauses on the for explanations, questions, and comments.

Yellow Trail Hike: This is about a 1-mile loop hike that experiences about 150 feet of elevation change. There are no strenuous parts to this trail. This hike will also have many pauses to discuss what we see.

Either hike can be signed up for using the button below:

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