February 2023 Chapter Meeting

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Holly Taylor will be returning to give a presentation on Planting for Pollinators.  Holly will discuss the native plants that she finds to be the best performing attractors for pollinators. (Additional information coming soon.)

Holly Taylor has been filling the role of Assistant State Naturalist for Tennessee State Parks since 2018, working with our exemplary State Naturalist, Randy Hedgepath. Prior to that she has worked as a naturalist and interpretive ranger for state parks since 2006, and even spent a couple of years as a traveling wildlife presenter for the Natural History Educational Company of the Midsouth (now Animalogy). She is also the chapter coordinator for the Cumberland Mountain State Park chapter of the Tennessee Naturalist Program. She graduated from Tennessee Tech University with a bachelor’s in Conservation Biology in 2009. Holly has spent her whole life pursuing a deeper understanding of the natural world. Whether in or out of uniform, she loves nothing more than learning about Tennessee’s incredible biodiversity and sharing that knowledge with others. She travels statewide leading hikes, giving presentations and assisting with events, all with the goal of connecting the public to the incredible natural resources our state has to offer.

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