The four major officers (President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Chair) are required and are voted in for one-year terms. There is no term limit for any office, and one person may hold more than one office simultaneously. The President, Treasurer, and Secretary have to be board members; the Membership Chair does not have to be on the board.
President. The President will be in charge of the business, provide leadership, and facilitate chapter operations. This officer must be a Director (on the Board of Directors). This office can require a substantial time commitment. Duties include:
- Ensure that chapter activities meet the national Wild Ones requirements.
- Lead chapter meetings.
- Promote the mission of Wild Ones within the community.
- Complete the required State of the Chapter Report by the end of the year.
- Review the Treasurer’s work, assist with budget, and be a co-signer for finances.
- Represent chapter on committees of other conservation groups, as requested.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of chapter committees.
Vice President. The Vice President will assist the President and assume the President’s duties when necessary. Other duties include:
- Become familiar with all national policies and procedures and assist with their implementation at the local chapter level.
- Serve as a committee or project chair, as needed (for example, serve as Program Chair to secure speakers for meetings).
Treasurer. The Treasurer is the principal financial officer of the chapter. This role should rarely involve more than a 1 to 2 hours per month commitment. This officer must be a Director. Duties include:
- Oversee chapter financial accounts.
- Maintain accounting of all income and expenses, including the Chapter Financial Report due at the end of January.
- Oversee all transactions (typically less than 5 transactions per month) which consist mostly of the receiving or sending of paper or electronic checks.
- Maintain accurate bookkeeping records to facilitate the completion of the year-end report to the national office (due at the end of January).
- Work with the board to create a budget for the chapter.
Secretary. The secretary maintains the records of chapter business. This officer must be a Director. Duties include:
- Record and distribute the minutes of all business meetings and board meetings.
- Prepare correspondence as needed.
- Maintain minutes and correspondence (on our Google Drive).
- Assist with elections.
Membership Committee. The membership chair, possibly with an assistant or two, maintains the membership records for the chapter. Duties include:
- Maintain the MailChimp mailing list making sure the membership segment matches the national membership list.
- Welcome new members.
- Alert members when their membership is near lapsing.
- Encourage new memberships.
- Conduct member interest surveys and report results to the board for planning purposes.
Webpage Committee. The Webpage Committee monitors the content of the chapter webpage and uses WordPress to manage the webpage. The committee could consist of one person who monitors content and solicits additional content from others; and, another person who is manages the page with WordPress.
Programs and Events Committee. This committee is responsible for securing speakers for monthly meetings, planning ID hikes, classes, and other events of the chapter.
Marketing and Social Media. This committee consists of someone with a background in marketing and perhaps others who do social media. Duties include:
- promoting events of the chapter
- creating social media content to grow the chapter’s audience
Plant Sale Committee. This committee would manage the chapter’s plant sales. Duties include:
- Coordinate the volunteer growers of plants to ensure a good mix of species
- Adjust pollinator kits as needed to accommodate market availability
- Order any needed plants and plugs needed for the sale
Newsletter Committee. Assemble content for the newsletter. Experience using MailChimp a plus but not required.
Social Committee. Duties include
- planning two or more social events per year: picnics, indoor potlucks, etc.
- future: phasing in refreshments for monthly meetings
Outreach Committee. Duties include:
- maintaining supplies like brochures and other handouts for use at outreach events like table events at conferences and festivals
- creating banner, signs and interesting displays for outreach events
Volunteer Coordinator. Create volunteer signups at or similar website to organize volunteers at events like plant sales, invasive plant removal events, etc.
Merch Chair. Duties would be to manage one or more chapter store(s) at a merch provider like or similar.
Graphic Design Volunteer. One of more members with graphic design skills that could occasionally help out with projects from the other committees.