September 2020 Monthly Meeting
Cooper Breeden of Southeastern Grasslands Initiative and Coordinator of the Tennessee Plant Conservation Alliance will be our speaker. Topic to be
Preventing the Extinction of
Rare Plants in Tennessee
The primary goal of the TN Plant Conservation Alliance is to bring together a variety of partners to prevent the extinction or extirpation of our rare plants. This presentation will provide an overview of the best practices in plant conservation, using current examples to illustrate these practices.
Meeting flyer, suitable for sharing.
The meeting will open at 6:30 PM CDT for equipment testing and socializing and will begin at 7:15 PM.
Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Monthly Meeting
Time: Sep 28, 2020 07:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 8593 9480
Passcode: 665380
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Meeting ID: 880 8593 9480
Passcode: 665380
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