

August 2021 Meeting - Native Plants, Health Planet

This event has ended
Monday, August 23rd, 2021
to (Central Time)

Speakers: Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick from Pinelands Nursery in Columbus, NJ, will be our speakers. Fran is currently the Sultan of Sales at Pinelands while Tom is the Production Analyst. Pinelands Nursery is one of the largest wholesale native plant nurseries on the East Coast. Fran and Tom are also the hosts of the very popular podcast Native Plants, Healthy Planet.


Native Plants, Healthy Planet
Fran and Tom will talk about the advantage of being tolerant to all sides of the native plant conversation. They will also discuss how to grow the circle of people involved. Their message will be supported with highlights from their podcast episodes.

Flyer: Available for sharing.

Zoom Info:

Topic: Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Monthly Meeting
Time: Aug 23, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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