Native Plant Propagation Course
Instructor: John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator at Birmingham Botanical Gardens
What to Bring: Sack lunch
Cost: $80 ($70 for WOMT members)
Pre-Registration: Sign-up here
Brief Description:
John Manion, Kaul Wildflower Garden Curator at Birmingham Botanical Gardens, will teach a full day native plant propagation course. Half of the day will focus on propagating from seed and the other half will focus on vegetative propagation.
Reasons for propagating native plants range from personal enjoyment to the important work of conserving local biodiversity. Populating your own landscape with a diversity of native species is an excellent way to protect them and recreate plant communities that have been lost to development. Further, by using native plants you are improving the survival, health and vigor of countless living creatures, birds, butterflies, and humans!
John Manion, the horticulturalist at Birmingham Botanical Gardens, will instruct participants how to propagate native plants vegetatively and from seed. All who attend will leave with newly sewn seeds, as well as have the opportunity to take home additional seeds, including from some rare species.
This event is sponsored by the Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter,
the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative,
and the Tennessee Plant Conservation Alliance.
A flyer containing the above information is available here.