March 2021 Monthly Meeting - Doug Tallamy
Dr. Doug Tallamy, Professor of Entomology at the University of Delaware, noted entomologist, author and speaker, will be our special guest during our joint meeting with the Southern Kentucky chapter of Wild Ones. Please note the date of this presentation is March 11, 2021 (not our usual 4th Monday!).
Restoring Nature's
Relationships at Home
Dr. Doug Tallamy
University of Delaware
Specialized relationships between animals and plants are the norm in nature rather than the exception. It is specialized relationships that provide our birds with insects and berries, that disperse our bloodroot seeds, that pollinate our goldenrod, and so on. Plants that evolved in concert with local animals provide for their needs better than plants that evolved elsewhere. Tallamy will explain why this is so, why specialized food relationships determine the stability and complexity of the local food webs that support animal diversity, why our yards and gardens are essential parts of the ecosystems that sustain us, and how we can use our landscapes to connect the isolated habitat fragments around us. It is time to create landscapes that enhance local ecosystems rather than degrade them.
The Zoom meeting will open at 6:30 PM on Thursday, March 11. The presentation will begin at 7:00 PM.
Registration is required to attend this meeting. Tickets (optional $5 suggested donation) are available at Eventbrite. After registering, you will receive an email from Eventbrite that allows you to add the event to your calendar (recommended) and also has a red "View the Event" button. Initially, that red button leads to a countdown timer. When the event is ready to begin, that countdown timer will turn into a "Join Now" button and that will take you to the Zoom event.
A flyer is available for posting and sharing.