March 2023 Chapter Meeting

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an under-appreciated pollinator

Richard Hitt, President

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter

Two Wasps

Richard will begin by revealing his “gateway” wasp and discussing several of its amazing features. After a discussion of the close evolutionary relationship among wasps, bees, and ants, Richard will cover the difficulties that arise in trying to understand wasps as a group. He will share his experience using technology and citizen science projects to allow amateurs, like Richard, to more accurately  identify wasps. He will close with several examples of wasps he has seen in his own and other nearby gardens.

Richard is the founding president of the Wild Ones Middle Tennessee chapter. He was certified in 2013 as a Tennessee Naturalist.

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  • Heather Holm presentation on Wasps
  • Video of Ichneumonid wasp (Megarhyssa rixator) using her ovipositor to bore into a tree