April 2023 Meeting

Posted on | Monthly Meeting

The Abbottsford Butterfly Garden

Ashley Cantrell

The Butterfly Garden in the Abbottsford subdivision in Nashville was installed in May, 2021 and established quickly thanks to the predominance of native plants.  Ashley will discuss the elements of her garden, including plant selection and their appeal to middle Tennessee butterflies, skippers, moths, and hummingbirds.  Some varieties of native plants are more well-behaved in a garden setting.  You will see examples of some of the beautiful creatures you can attract to your own gardens, including a detailed video of a Monarch butterfly emerging (eclosing) from its chrysalis.

Ashley Cantrell is currently on the board of Friends of Green Hills Park and is leading their revitalization efforts to replace invasive plant species with native plants.  The goal of these efforts is both to beautify Green Hills Park and to educate park visitors about the importance of planting native plants.  Metro Nashville’s Parks Department recently granted Friends of Green Hills Park 21 native trees, which have already been planted along the northern perimeter of the park.  Metro Parks Maintenance Department has also removed invasive Ailanthus altissima, privet, and bush honeysuckle that was treated by Invasive Plant Control, Inc in fall, 2022.
Ashley also serves on the HOA Board of Abbottsford as their Landscape Chair.  She prioritizes the addition of low-maintenance native plants to add beauty and a sense of place to Abbottsford.  An important financial goal is to reduce the need for costly maintenance and replacement of plants not suitably adapted to our environmental conditions.  In her spare time, she helps new and old friends plant butterfly gardens and native plants on their own properties.  She is also passionate about preserving our locally rare Bigtooth Aspen trees.  Six Bigtooth Aspen root cuttings harvested from a large, fallen aspen in TN City were recently planted just downhill from and in clear view of Covenant Presbyterian Church and School; they are the first Bigtooth Aspens to be planted in their permanent growing location and will be a living memorial and testimony that new blessings can come from tragedy.
The meeting will be held via Zoom (link below) on Monday, April 24, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM CDT. Everyone is invited!

Abbottsford Garden 2

Abbottsford Butterfly Garden (Ashley Cantrell)