
Events Archive: 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events

January 2019


January 2019 Meeting: Ash Trees and the Emerald Ash Borers

This event has ended
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Patricia Miller (Chair, Metro Tree Advisory Board), assisted by Brian Hixson and Richard Hitt, will give a presentation about the infestation of Emerald Ash Borers that is currently underway in middle Tennessee.

View flyer.

February 2019


February 2019 Meeting: Conserving and Restoring Native Habitats on Private Lands

This event has ended
Monday, February 25th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Cynthia Rohrbach, Project Manager and Biologist with the Swan Conservation Trust, will give a presentation on "Conserving and Restoring Native Habitats on Private Lands: Hardwood Forests, Remnant Grasslands, and Wetlands."

Swan Conservation Trust

Swan Conservation Trust was founded as a 501c3 land trust in 1992 when there were only a handful of land trusts in Tennessee. The original conservation focus has been in the headwaters of Big Swan and Big Bigby Creeks in Lewis County, although their mission extends to the Western Highland Rim. With a history of being an all-volunteer organization, Swan Trust has nevertheless had great success in fundraising to purchase and conserve large tracts of deciduous forest; obtaining state and federal grants to convert bottomland hayfields to native warm season grasses; partnering with private landowners to cooperatively restore and manage a remnant prairie; and obtaining TDOT mitigation funds to preserve and enhance wetlands on Big Swan Headwaters Preserve. Educating the public through outings to their own Preserves as well as numerous natural areas in Middle Tennessee is now being expanded to include water quality studies, birding, and botanizing with children.  Cynthia Rohrbach, one of the original founders, will show and tell about Swan Trust.

View flyer.


Nashville Lawn and Garden Show: Table Event

This event has ended
to (Central Time)

Middle Tennessee Wild Ones Chapter will share a table at the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show with TN-IPC, TNPS, and TNP to advertise our chapter and cause.  The hours are 10 am - 7 pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and 10 am - 5 pm on Sunday.

March 2019


Weed Wrangle

This event has ended
Saturday, March 2nd, 2019
to (Central Time)

Weed Wrangle is a single day of the year set aside especially for removal of invasive plants.  Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will participate in Weed Wrangle activities on Saturday, March 2, 2019.  The list of Weed Wrangle®-Nashville locations  is here.

Tennessee State Parks and Natural Areas is also conducting Weed Wrangles you can signup for at these locations.


Belle Forest Cave Property Hike

This event has ended
Sunday, March 17th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Since the parking lot at the hike site is small, we will meet at 1:30 pm in the parking lot of Five Guys in Bellevue (Belle Forest Shopping Center, 7026 Hwy 70 S, Nashville, TN 37221) and carpool from there.  This shopping center at the northeast corner of the intersection of Highway 70 S and Old Hickory Blvd directly across the street from a Kroger.

The name for this hike really should be serviceberry hike because we selected a date when the serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) is likely to be in bloom.

Located near the heavily developed Neighborhood of Bellevue, the Belle Forest Cave Property is a quiet untouched realm covered by a large diversity of trees in a small area. Its name is derived from a small cave with a small ‘cool house’ by the last farmer in the valley in the mid-19thcentury, to store milk and meat during the hot summers.  Three streams, one flowing from the cave, converge to a tributary of the Harpeth River watershed. These clean streams provide the basis for a rich lowland hardwood forest with a large number of huge trees. The cave is located on the base of a central incline that ascends dramatically up to a ridge, which extends for a mile towards the West Meade area. This ridge constitutes a remnant of the Highland Rim and as such, is geologically different from the limestone strata below. The difference between the alkaline soil and the streams in the valley and the dry, acid soil on top gives rise to a large diversity of trees.

As one ascends a small path up the hill from the cave we find Mockernut Hickory (C. tomentosa), Pignut Hickory (Cglabra), several Red Oak species and large examples of Chestnut Oaks (Quercus montana). An open area, just above the cave is covered with old Farkleberry bushes (Vaccinium arboreum), and surrounded by Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica), Post Oak (Quercus stellata) and Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum). In early Spring we find several smaller Serviceberry trees (Amelanchier arborea) scattered along the slopes. Native azaleas (Rhododendron canescensand R. alabamense) are another treasure on this hill. They are found only on this hilltop and then scattered 1-2 miles away towards some hillsides in West Meade. None of them can be found in the Warner parks, to our knowledge.

 Trees in the Belle Forest Cave Property Arboretum

Scientific name
Commmon name

Asimina triloba

Ulmus rubra
Slippery Elm

Cornus florida
Eastern Dogwood

Populus deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood

Fraxinus americana
White Ash

Fagus grandifolia
American Beech

Acer negundo

Morus rubra
Red Mulberry

Quercus rubra
Northern Red Oak

Platanus occidentalis

Liquidambar styraciflua
American Sweetgum

Robinia pseudoacacia
Black Locust

Liriodendron tulipifera

Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Redcedar

Quercus shumardii
Shumard Oak

Ulmus alata
Winged Elm

Sassafras albidum

Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple

Cladrastris kentukea

Celtis laevigata

Prunus serotina
Black Cherry

Cercis canadensis

Carya laciniosa
Shellbark Hickory

Carya tomentosa
Mockernut Hickory

Diospyros virginiana

Carya glabra
Pignut Hickory

Quercus alba
White Oak

Quercus velutina
Black Oak

Quercus montana
Chestnut Oak

Quercus coccinea
Scarlet Oak

Vaccinium arboreum

Nyssa sylvatica
Black Gum

Quercus stellata
Post Oak

Oxydendrum arboreum

Quercus falcata
Southern Red Oak

Amelanchier arborea


March 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, March 25th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Our speaker will be Darrell Hawks, Executive Director of Friends of Mill Ridge Park.  He will talk about The History, Development, and Plans for Mill Ridge Park.  A Flyer is available to share with others.  See for additional information.

April 2019


TNPS/WOMT Wildflower Hike at Shakerag Hollow

This event has ended
Saturday, April 6th, 2019
to (Central Time)

TNPS/Middle TN Wild Ones - Field Trip 2019

Shakerag Hollow, Sewanee, Franklin County TN

April 6, 2019 (Sat.)    10:00 am CENTRAL Time

Meet at University of the South Entrance Gates

Leader: Dennis Horn 931-461-0262 [email protected]

Description: This is a joint hike with the Tennessee Native Plant Society and our Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter. Shakerag Hollow ranks as one of the top locations for early spring ephemerals in Middle TN. It contains a beautiful mature forest located within the Domain of the University of the South. Numerous scenic features include tall rock faces, caves, waterfalls, and mountain streams. The trail has a continuous display of wildflowers. Among the many plants we should see include Trillium grandiflorum and T. sulcatum, trout lilies, ramps, Dutchman’s breeches, celandine poppy, dwarf larkspur, purple phacelia, and early saxifrage. The sandstone escarpment often has halberd-leaf violet (V. hastate) and Sweet White violet (V. blanda), shrub yellowroot, and shining club moss. Midway through the hike, if we’re lucky, we may find the showy spotted mandarin (Prosartes maculate) with its creamy-white flowers dotted with maroon specks.

Directions: Leave I-24 at exit 134 in Monteagle. Take US 41-A toward Sewanee. Continue 3.7 miles to the University gates. The parking area is on the right just past the St. Andrews school entrance. (35.210034, - 85.898113).

Hike about 2 miles, excellent trail of moderate difficulty, with elevation change ca. 400 ft.  Nearest facilities are in Monteagle. Bring trail lunch, water, and camera. A car shuttle is required. A liability waiver may be required.


Wildflower Hike at Taylor Hollow SNA

This event has ended
Saturday, April 13th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Roger McCoy, Director Division of Natural Areas, will lead a hike at Taylor Hollow State Nature Area near Westmoreland, TN.  Limited to 18 hikers at the request of the Division of Natural Areas.

You have to register for the hike by clicking the SignUp button below and completing the requested information.

As the first property acquired by the Tennessee Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, Taylor Hollow State Natural Area protects a high-quality cove where visitors can experience how Middle Tennessee’s pre-settlement spring flora may have appeared. Attendees of this excursion will review the names of different wildflowers, observe the state-endangered blue-eyed Mary, learn how to distinguish between different species, and discuss the environmental variables that influence forest species composition. The hike consists of about two miles at a slow to moderate pace and those accustomed to hiking should have little difficulty. The hike will last from two to three hours with stops to enjoy, photograph, and learn about wildflowers. The route crosses one shallow stream, so wear suitable footwear. Dress appropriately for the weather and bring water and snacks. Trained in botany, trip leader Roger McCoy has conducted rare species inventories and ecological community sampling throughout Tennessee.


April 2019 Meeting: Tennessee Environmental Council

This event has ended
Monday, April 22nd, 2019
to (Central Time)

Speakers: Cynthia Hernandez and Valentin Le Besnerais from the Tennessee Environmental Council

Topic:  Sustainable Tennessee

The presentation will focus on sustainable solutions that can be easily incorporated into the lives of Tennessee residents including residential composting and recycling right. We will shed light on opportunities that will make a difference, making it easy and fun to do your part of acting locally and thinking globally.

Cynthia Hernandez: TN Tree Program Specialist.  Cynthia has a passion for sustainability and is dedicated to improving Tennessee’s environment. Cynthia works closely with the team to organize programs involving the Tennessee Tree Project, Watershed Support, and Sustainable Tennessee. Cynthia graduated from Vol State Community College in 2015 with a focus in Environmental Science. Her biggest achievement is the Level 2 certification of the Paris Powers Memorial Arboretum located at Vol State Community College with over 60 species of trees identified and labeled. She currently serves on the Metro Tree Advisory Committee and enjoys educating the public on sustainable solutions and engaging partners to improve communities and quality of life in Tennessee.

Valentin Le Besnerais:  Compost and Recycling Education Coordinator.  In 2016, Valentin earned a BS in Environmental Studies from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. His expertise stems from the work he accomplished with the UT's Reycling Program. He is currently serving a year long internship with the Tennessee Environmental Council as an Americorp volunteer.   He is working on advancing his career working within the Council's Organics Management and Recycling Education & Outreach programs. He enjoys  educating Tennessee residents on correct composting and recycling habits to ensure as much waste is diverted from the landfill as possible!


GroWild Spring Plant Sale Table Event

This event has ended
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will have a Table Event at GroWild on Friday and Saturday, April 26-27 from 8 AM to 5 PM.


Nashville Natives Spring Plant Sale Table Event

This event has ended
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will have a Table Event at Nashville Natives on Friday and Saturday April 26-27 from 9 AM to 2 PM.

May 2019


Cedar Glades Wildflower Festival: Table Event

This event has ended
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will have a display table at the Cedar Glades Wildflower Festival at Cedars of Lebanon State Park on Friday, May 3, 2019, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM and Saturday, May 4, 2019, 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM.

Festival Flyer

Plants for Sale 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Friday, and 7 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday in the Cedar Forest Lodge

Echinacea tennesseensis -- Tennessee Coneflower
Aquilegia canadensis  -- wild columbine
Phlox pilosa -- downy phlox
Monarda -- bee balm
Liatris -- blazing star
Zizia aurea -- golden Alexanders
Silphium perfoliatum -- cup plant
Lobelia cardinalis -- cardinal flower
Coreopsis -- dwarf tickseed
Aristolochia  -  pipevine
Chasmanthium latifolium -- river oats
Chrisogonum virginianum -- green & gold
Packera aurea -- golden ragwort
Stylophorum diphyllum -- celandine poppy
Ratibida columnifera -- prairie coneflower
Hellanthus mollis -- ashy sunflower
Heterotheca camporum -- prairie golden aster
Campanula americana -- tall bellflower
Rudbeckia hirta -- black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia subtomentosa -- Sweet Coneflower
Mertensia virginiana -- Virginia Bluebells
Ptelia trifoliata -- Hoptree (small 2-year-old plants)
Cephalanthus occidentalis - Woodies buttonbush
Aesculus pavia -- red buckeye
Solidago -- golden fleece
Phlox -- Blue Moon
Spigela -- Indian pink
Heuchera -- Marvelous Marble
Tiarella cordifolia -- foamflower
Dwarf Iris -- Crested White
Dwarf Iris -- Crested Blue
Amsonia hubrichtii -- bluestar
Penstemon -- Husker Red
Penstemon --- Wild Red
Baptisia -- blue false indigo
Asclepias tuberosa -- orange butterfly weed
Polystichum acrostichoides -- Christmas Fern
Cimicifuga --
Heliopsis --


Flat Rock Cedar Glades and Barrens Wildflower Hike

This event has ended
Saturday, May 11th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Our chapter will do a Plant ID hike at Flat Rock Cedar Glades and Barrens State Natural Area just east of Murfreesboro, TN.  If you zoom in on the Google map you should be able to see the trail options.  Additional information about Flat Rock Cedar Glades can be found here.


Urban Gardening Festival: Table Event

This event has ended
Saturday, May 18th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will staff a table event at the Urban Gardening Festival located at the Demonstration Gardens of the Ellington Agricultural Center (5201 Marchant Drive, Nashville). We will also staff a combined table for the Tennessee Native Plant Society and the Tennessee Invasive Plant Council.


May 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, May 20th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Since the Brentwood Library is closed for Memorial Day on the fourth Monday in May, we are meeting on the third Monday.

Topic:  Introducing Weed Wrangle®:  Engaging our communities in the removal of invasive plants

Speaker:  Carter Dawson with the Garden Club of Nashville and Volunteer Coordinator for Weed Wrangle-Nashville®

Door open at 6:30 PM.  Meeting start at 7 PM.

June 2019


TNPS/WOMT Wildflower Hike: Arnold Engineering Development Complex and May Prairie, Coffee County, TN

This event has ended
Saturday, June 1st, 2019
to (Central Time)

TNPS/Wild Ones Mid TN - Field Trip 2019

Arnold AFB (AEDC) and May Prairie SNA, Coffee County TN

June 1, 2019 (Sat.)    10:00 am CENTRAL Time

Meet at Wendy’s in Manchester TN

Leader: Dennis Horn 931-461-0262 [email protected]

Description: This is a joint hike with the Tennessee Native Plant Society and our Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter. For those that missed the 2016 TNPS trip, this is your opportunity to again see orchids and other rare plants. The “Oak Barrens” of Coffee County provide some of the best examples of TN rare plants that also occur in the Gulf Coastal Plain and the prairies of the Midwest. As a result Coffee County is one of only three counties in Tennessee with 50 or more rare plant species. We will visit the AEDC first to see native orchids: Calopogon tuberosus, Cleistes bifaria (now Cleistesiopsis), and possibly Platanthera lacera and Pogonia ophioglossoides. We should also find Death Camas (Zigadenus leimanthoides, now Stenanthium tennesseense), Whorled Loosestrife (Lysimachia quadrifolia), and Hyssop Leaved Skullcap (Scutellaria integrifolia). After lunch time permitting we will visit May Prairie. We should see Mock Bishop’s Weed (Ptilimnium costatum), Enyngo (Eryngium integrifolium), Coppery St. Johnswort (Hypericum denticulatum), Marsh Pea (Lathyrus palustris), Horned Bladderpod (Utricularia cornuta), and Swamp Candles (Lysimachia terrestris).

Directions: Leave I-24 at exit 114 in Manchester TN. Turn left coming from Chattanooga (right from Nashville) onto US 41 heading NW toward town. Turn right at the 1st traffic light (Raceway at that intersection) beyond the interstate. Wendy’s is half a block on the right.

Easy to moderate walking in low vegetation. Facilities at meeting place. Bring water, insect repellent, sunscreen, snacks, and camera. Lunch in Manchester.


June 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, June 24th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Cooper Breeden, Coordinator of the Tennessee Plant Conservation Alliance, will be the presenter.

The Tennessee Plant Conservation Alliance: Preventing the local extinction of
rare plants through collaborative partnership

The Tennessee Plant Conservation Alliance (TPCA) is a collaborative network that connects state and federal agencies, university researchers, botanical gardens, nurseries, nonprofits, volunteers, and more to facilitate the conservation of rare plants and communities across the state. With over 500 rare plants in Tennessee, such a coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to the conservation of Tennessee’s rare plants is essential. This is a new effort in Tennessee, but it is modeled after programs in other regions of the country that have experienced decades of success. In its inaugural planning meeting this winter, the TPCA met to discuss conservation priorities and worked together to establish an initial list of priority projects. This presentation will go over several of those projects and what we're doing to get them off the ground this year.

View flyer.

July 2019


TNPS/WOMT Hike May Prairie SNA

This event has ended
Saturday, July 20th, 2019
to (Central Time)

TNPS/Wild Ones Middle TN - Field Trip 2019

May Prairie State Natural Area, Coffee County TN

July 20, 2019 (Sat.)    10:00 am CENTRAL Time

Meet at Wendy’s in Manchester TN

Leader: Dennis Horn 931-461-0262 [email protected]

Description: This is another joint hike with the Tennessee Native Plant Society and our Wild Ones Middle Tennessee chapter. The “Oak Barrens” of Coffee County provide examples of Tennessee rare plants that are disjunct from the Gulf Coastal Plain and the prairies of the Midwest. The primary goal of this outing is to see Snowy Orchid (Platanthera nivea) in flower. This is the only location known in Tennessee for this Coastal Plain species. Usually flowering with it is the equally rare Coastal False Asphodel (Tofieldia racemosa, now Triantha racemosa). We should also see Mock Bishop’s Weed (Ptilimnium costatum), Enyngo (Eryngium integrifolium), Coppery St. Johnswort (Hypericum denticulatum), three Silphiums, including Shaggy Rosinweed (Silphium mohrii) which is endemic to TN, AL and, GA, Swamp Rose (Rosa palustris), and Virginia Goldenrod (Solidago austrina).

Directions: Leave I-24 at exit 114 in Manchester TN. Turn left coming from Chattanooga (right from Nashville) onto US 41 heading NW toward town. Turn right at the 1st traffic light (Raceway at that intersection) beyond the interstate. Wendy’s is half a block on the right.

Easy to moderate walking in low vegetation. Facilities at meeting place. Bring water, insect repellent, sunscreen, and camera. Lunch in car or on trail.


July 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, July 22nd, 2019
to (Central Time)

Brian Hendrix will speak on Exploring Our Natural World through Citizen Science.  Please see the meeting flyer for details.

August 2019


August 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, August 26th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Dr. Dwayne Estes, Professor of Biology and Director of the Herbarium at Austin Peay State University and also the Executive Director of the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative, will speak on
The Southeastern Grasslands Initiative: Charting a
New Course for Conservation in the 21st Century
Information about Dr. Estes:
Dwayne Estes serves as executive director for the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative (SGI). For his leadership in developing SGI, Estes was named the 2017 Tennessee Conservationist of the Year by the Tennessee Wildlife Federation. At Austin Peay State University, Dwayne also serves as Professor of Biology and Director of the APSU Herbarium, a plant museum with over 130,000 specimens. In the past three years, he and his collaborators have secured nearly $2 million dollars in grants and donations, including grants from the National Science Foundation. He and his team are building a strong network of collaborators across a 23-state region that includes citizen scientists, private landowners, academic researchers, government agencies and NGOs, corporations and philanthropic foundations.
A flyer is available with this information suitable for printing, posting, sharing, etc.

September 2019


September 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, September 23rd, 2019
to (Central Time)

Our speakers will be Karen Rippple Hill and Dr. David Hill: Planting Natives in a Suburban Yard.
We offer suggestions for native plants that are thriving in a suburban yard and have not drawn negative attention from neighbors or the HOA; provide images of some of the wildlife attracted to these plants; and show what invasive plants to avoid/remove. Before our home was constructed five years ago the area was cattle pasture; by our second year on the property we were NWF certified.

Karen was a high school science teacher, environmental educator and teacher of teachers, writing the curriculum guidePOW the Planning of Wetlands while Director of Education at Environmental Concern. David is a retired Professor of Biology at Belmont University and a founding member of the Tennessee Naturalist Program. Both are avid naturalists.
Flyer for sharing.


Marketplace at the Rutherford County Farmers Market

This event has ended
Friday, September 27th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will share a booth with the Tennessee Invasive Plant Council, the Tennessee Native Plant Society, and the Tennessee Naturalist Program.  We will be selling native seeds and plants.

October 2019


Seed and Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, October 12th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones Middle Tennessee Chapter will hold a seed and plant sale on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary.  Admission for Wild Ones current (or active) Wild Ones members is free; admission for non-members is $5 (regular Owl's Hill day pass price).

Wild Ones:  Sign up to volunteer at this event.

Seed/Plant List (incomplete)

Red Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)
Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis)
Button Bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)
Lance-leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Tennessee Coneflower (Echinacea tennesseensus)
Late Boneset (Eupatorium serotinum)
Sweet Joe-Pye-Weed (Eutrochium purpureum)
Dense Blazing Star (Liatris spicata)
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)
Long-sepal Beardtongue (Penstemen calycosus)
Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans)
Tall Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea)
plus more

Seed starting basics from Prairie Moon Nursery.

Potted Plants

Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea)
Poke Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata)
Carolina Sweetshrub (Calycanthus florida)
Inland Sea Oats (Chasmanthium latifolium)
Green-and-Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum)
Nana Lobed Coreopsis (Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana')
Lance-leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)
Scarlet Rosemallow, Texas Red Hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus)
Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana)
Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera simpervirens)
Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera simpervirens 'Alabama Crimson')
Scarlet Beebalm (Monarda didyma)
Beebalm, Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa)
Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)
Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii)
Grey-headed Coneflower (Ratibida pinnata)
Orange Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida)
Garden Phlox (Phlox paniculata 'Robert Poore')
Hairy Ruellia, Hairy Petunia (Ruellia humilis)
American Bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia)
American Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls')
Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Eastern Ninebark (Pysocarpus opulifolius)
plus more


Table Event at GroWild - Canceled

This event has ended
Saturday, October 19th, 2019
to (Central Time)

GroWild has canceled the Fall plant sale.  We will look forward to seeing them again at their Spring sale in April.


October 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, October 28th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Lee Patrick, Vice President of Invasive Plant Control, Inc., will be our speaker. Lee is an excellent presenter who can somehow bring excitement to the topic of controlling invasive plants.  We will follow our usual format of meeting socially beginning at 6:30 PM with the formal meeting 7:00 - 8:15. We will continue with our "Swap Table," so bring along any items (native seeds/plants or other nature-related items) you would like to contribute.

Invasive Plant Control, Inc. is one of the premiere invasive plant management companies in the country.  With headquarters in Nashville, the company has ground crews across the United States that can respond to invasive plant control requests from almost anywhere. Founded in 1997 by Lee and co-owner Steve Manning, IPC, Inc. brings a wealth of experience and expertise to any project it tackles.

November 2019


November 2019 Meeting

This event has ended
Monday, November 25th, 2019
to (Central Time)

December 2019


Pot-luck Luncheon and Hike

This event has ended
Saturday, December 14th, 2019
to (Central Time)

Wild Ones members and families are invited to attend a pot-luncheon at Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary beginning at 11:30 AM on Saturday, December 14, 2019. Please sign-up here. After lunch, there will be an optional hike on the trails of Owl's Hill, weather permitting.

Archive of recent chapter MailChimp email distributions

A Google calendar of chapter events is available under the Calendar tab.

2023 Division of Natural Areas – Events

2023 Tennessee Native Plant Society – Hikes